Florida SouthWestern Leads Wire To Wire Down In South Beach

(February 2, 2022)

(partial content courtesy of Bucs Sports Info – Roy Allen)

MIAMI, Fla.– After playing two straight overtime games last week, the 16th ranked Buccaneers needed a breather, and that is what they got Wednesday on the road at Miami Dade. Jumping all over their hosts early, FSW lowered the mainsail and cruised home 70-54 to pick up the team’s 18th victory against three losses.

The Buccaneers defense was solid from the get-go, holding the Sharks without a field goal for nearly seven minutes to begin the game. However, FSW’s offense wasn’t actually booming either, but still glided into the break leading 30-19.

In front by sixteen, 40-24, four minutes into the second, the wind shifted and the Sharks almost caught the FSW frigate. The Bucs experienced a minor problem with the mast, and before it was fixed, MDC had trimmed the deficit to eight.

Getting the mast repaired and finding true wind, Florida SWern used a 16-4 tack to find open waters and maneuver the ship out of danger. I promise, that’s all of the privateer talk. Maybe.

Marcus Niblack piloted the Bucs with 19 points, all but four coming in the second part. Niblack also contributed 3 dimes and 5 steals. After a nine game double-double streak was ended, Bryant Selebangue has come close to the same in the last two contest, this time doing 11 points and 9 rebounds. Klein Alexandre finished with 11 while Jonathan dos Anjos topped out at ten.

The Bucs took advantage of a contest that featured 44 total fouls, going 28-38 at the free throw line where they outscored Miami Dade by 18. FSW dominated the boards 36-23 on their way to a 5-1 Southern Conference record, firmly planted in second behind league leading Indian River, who is 6-0.

Dade received 15 points from James Horton, Donte Pace supplied 11 with Dashaun Joseph going in with 10. The Sharks fall to 10-12, 2-5 in the Southern.

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